Interest rates are up, there's a war that could expand, there's been banking failures and likely more to come, yet real estate is holding on. Why is that?!
There is absolutely no doubt the first reason is inventory. There just isn't enough. When you have more homes that have sold than are on the market, that's very telling. Santa Monica has 39 homes for sale under $5M right now and 38 sold in the past month. Culver City has 8 for sale and 12 sold in the past month. West Hollywood has 16 active and 22 sold. Pasadena has 94 active and 171 homes sold. There just aren't enough homes compared to the demand. On the flipside, DTLA has 192 for sale and 83 homes sold, so now you know where there are deals to be had.
The second reason prices are still going up is safe haven aspect of real estate. Unlike the volatile stock and crypto markets and low yield treasuries, real estate is very malleable. You can rent out, update, flip, etc. And those who need to park some of their money are putting some of it in real estate.
Lending is going to get worse. If you think this banking thing is over, it's not. Banks will be under more scrutiny, and will be lending less. 10/90 loans will likely be hard to come by. Most conventional banks will want to see at least 20% down for buyers. So anyone holding onto their nice 2.9% loans is likely gonna just stay put. And why put your house on the market when you can just Airbnb the house, rent it out, or add on to it if you need the size?