Thursday, October 22, 2020

DTLA Ranked #2 Coolest Neighborhood in the World by Time Out

Just after Esquerra de l'Eixample in Barcelona, our very own DTLA is #2 out of 40 neighborhoods in the world, for coolest city. 

Full article here:

"There’s a version of this year in L.A.'s resurgent city centre that would’ve only been about how MOCA – the Museum of Contemporary Art – dropped admission fees and the new Hoxton hotel stacked hazelnut pancakes. How coveted co-working space NeueHouse moved into the mezzanine of the beautiful Bradbury Building while the Donut Man readied its legendary strawberry-filled doughnuts across the street at Grand Central Market.

But instead this became the most painful year in L.A.'s recent history – and in a city with no single, central gathering place, Downtown became its supportive soul. Following the shocking death of Kobe Bryant, wreaths, candles and a quiet togetherness swallowed the L.A. Live plaza. When the pandemic kept us doomscrolling at home, the Broad museum brought us a bit of virtual Infinity Room calm, while the now-shuttered Broken Spanish restaurant vacuum-sealed tamales and fed undocumented restaurant workers.

And when the killing of George Floyd made injustice too loud to ignore, Downtown was the place for Angelenos to speak up. It wasn’t without strife, but there was a palpable pivot toward unity the day that thousands streamed through Downtown’s streets. In a year of isolation, DTLA – like no other neighbourhood – has consistently brought us closer to our community. Michael JulianoTime Out Los Angeles"